AWS Lambda Function is returning "Cannot find module 'index'" yet the handler in the config is set to index

Try zipping and uploading the contents of the folder lambda-create-timelapse. Not the folder itself.

If this was unclear for anyone else, here are the steps:

Step 1 Navigate to the folder of your project, and open that folder so that you are inside the folder: Folder

Step 2 Select all of the images you want to upload into to Lambda: Folder with selected files

Step 3 Right-click and compress the files you have selected: Right-click menu with compress option highlighted

This will give you a .zip file, which is the file you need to upload to Lambda: output

There are a lot of ways to automate this, but this is the manual procedure.

I ran into this problem a few times myself, and this indeed has to do with zipping the folder instead of just the contents like you're supposed to.

For those working from the terminal...

While INSIDE of the directory where the .js files are sitting, run the following:

zip -r ../ *

The * is instructing the client to zip all the contents within this folder, ../ is telling it to name the file and place it right outside of this current directory.