AWS Glue: How to add a column with the source filename in the output?

You can do it with spark in your etl job:

var df = glueContext.getCatalogSource(
  database = database,
  tableName = table,
  transformationContext = s"source-$database.$table"
 .withColumn("input_file_name", input_file_name())

  connectionType = "s3",
  options = JsonOptions(Map(
    "path" -> args("DST_S3_PATH")
  transformationContext = "",
  format = "parquet"
).writeDynamicFrame(DynamicFrame(df, glueContext))

Remember it works with getCatalogSource() API only and not with create_dynamic_frame_from_options()

With an AWS Glue Python auto-generated script, I've added the following lines:

from pyspark.sql.functions import input_file_name

## Add the input file name column
datasource1 = datasource0.toDF().withColumn("input_file_name", input_file_name())

## Convert DataFrame back to DynamicFrame
datasource2 = datasource0.fromDF(datasource1, glueContext, "datasource2")

Then, in the ApplyMapping or datasink portions of the code, you reference datasource2.