AWS Glue cannot create database from crawler: permission denied

I had the same problem when I setup and ran a new AWS crawler after enabling Lake Formation (in the same AWS account). I've been running Glue crawler for a long time and was stumped when I saw this new error.

After some trial and error, I found that the root cause of the problem is when you enable Lake Formation, it adds an additional layer of permission on new Glue database(s) that are created via Glue Crawler and to any resource (Glue catalog, S3, etc) that you add it to the Lake Formation service.

To fix this problem, you have to grant the Crawler's IAM role, a proper set of Lake Formation permissions (CRUD) for the database.

You can manage these permissions in AWS Lake Formation console (UI) under the Permissions > Data permissions section or via awscli lake formation commands.

I solved this problem by adding a grant in AWS Lake Formations -> Permissions -> Data locations. (Do not forget to add a forward slash (/) behind the bucket name)

Grant for data location