AWS Elastic Beanstalk: Running Cron.d script, missing Environment Variables

I just found this, using

grep -r "export MY_VAR" /

EDIT: Amazon seems to move the file location from time to time. Current location is:


So I think I'll just include (source [file path]) that in my script before calling my php script. Still seems like a funky way to do things. I'm still in for better solutions.

I was running PHP via bash script triggered by cron. So to setup the environment, I would do something like this:

source /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/envvars
php -f my-script.php

See @userid53's answer below for PHP solution.

While searching for solutions to the same problem I ran into this blog post: To summarize, you can load the Elastic Beanstalk environment variables using the opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/envvars file:

0 3 * * * . /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/envvars; some_command

Hope this helps!