AWS Cloudformation- How to do string Uppercase or lowercase in json/yaml template

I got the answer of this question. For this I have used Mappings JSON in which I have added values like If Selected value is DEV then use dev, If QA then qa like this, and used below JSON which used Fn:FindInMap

[ { "Fn::FindInMap": [ "Enviroment", "PlatformName", { "Ref": "selectedEnv" } ] }, "clientname" ]

Below is the Mappings JSON:

"Mappings" : { "Enviroment" : { "PlatformName" : { "DEV" : "dev", "QA" : "qa", "UAT" : "uat", "PROD" : "prod" } } }

Mr. Young is correct, that is the syntax you need to use to invoke the macros.

HOWEVER, the key factor which both they and the documentation failed to mention is that in order to invoke the transform macros that you need to deploy this stack into your accounts BEFORE you can use the functions listed in the ReadMe.

I think the docs could be clarified in this regard, I'll see if I can PR a clarification