AWS Cloudformation: Conditionally create properties of resources

Perhaps I am misunderstanding but this sounds like a parameter use case rather than a condition use case. I say that because you do not say under what conditions you would like a public ip. Just "sometimes for debugging purposes" How would the template know that you are debugging? You have to tell it with a parameter.

check out the docs

So you could have a public ip parameter and a subnet id parameter and pass in what you like at stack creation.

One way that conditions could be useful is to create a debug parameter that would toggle public/private ip and subnet. Is this what you were thinking of?

To use conditions on properties use the IF function

I suggest setting your public subnet to provide a public ip on launch, and of course ensuring your private subnet does not do that. Then just pass the subnet in as a parameter.

This might be a little late, but I recently had a same question.

From AWS docs, you can use Fn::If to set properties accordingly.

The template will look like:

  ImageId: !FindInMap [ MyAamiMap, 'myami', amiid ]
  InstanceType: "t2.2xlarge"
  # SubnetId: !Ref SBNDemo1
  # SecurityGroupIds: [!Ref SGInternalDemo]
    - YourCondition
      AssociatePublicIpAddress: "true"
      DeviceIndex: "0"
        - Ref: "SGInternalDemo"
        Ref: "SBNDemo1"
    - !Ref "AWS::NoValue"

AWS::NoValue means there will be no NetworkInterfaces properties set.