AWS Cloud Formation Stuck in Review_In_Progress

Some one has already answered, but for more clarity, Please refer below screenshot. Click on Change Sets and then select the change set and hit Execute. enter image description here


In your CodePipeline step, you're using the CHANGE_SET_CREATE action mode. This creates a change set on the CloudFormation Stack, but does not automatically execute it. You would need a second action that executes the change set using CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE. Alternatively, you can change the action mode on your action to CREATE_UPDATE which should directly update your action.

One reason you might want to use CHANGE_SET_CREATE and CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE in CodePipeline, is if you want to have an approval step between them. If you are expecting this to be completed automatically, I'd recommend CREATE_UPDATE.


Below is your CodePipeline Staging stage, but using CREATE_UPDATE instead of CREATE_CHANGE_SET. This creates a new stack named stack, or updates the existing one if one with that name already exists.

    "inputArtifacts": [
            "name": "MyAppBuild"
    "name": "LexBotBetaStack", 
    "actionTypeId": {
        "category": "Deploy", 
        "owner": "AWS", 
        "version": "1", 
        "provider": "CloudFormation"
    "outputArtifacts": [], 
    "configuration": {
        "ActionMode": "CREATE_UPDATE", 
        "ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet", 
        "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/cloudformation-lambda-execution-role", 
        "Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM", 
        "StackName": "LexBotBetaStack", 
        "TemplatePath": "MyAppBuild::SamTemplate.yaml"
    "runOrder": 1


Below is an example of how you could use CHANGE_SET_CREATE and CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE together. It first creates a change set, on the named stack, then executes that change set. It's really useful if you want to have a CodePipeline Approval step between the change set, and executing it, so you can review the intended changes.

    "inputArtifacts": [
            "name": "MyAppBuild"
    "name": "LexBotBetaStackChangeSet", 
    "actionTypeId": {
        "category": "Deploy", 
        "owner": "AWS", 
        "version": "1", 
        "provider": "CloudFormation"
    "outputArtifacts": [], 
    "configuration": {
        "ActionMode": "CHANGE_SET_REPLACE", 
        "ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet", 
        "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXX:role/cloudformation-lambda-execution-role", 
        "Capabilities": "CAPABILITY_IAM", 
        "StackName": "LexBotBetaStack", 
        "TemplatePath": "MyAppBuild::SamTemplate.yaml"
    "runOrder": 1
    "name": "LexBotBetaStackExecute", 
    "actionTypeId": {
        "category": "Deploy", 
        "owner": "AWS", 
        "version": "1", 
        "provider": "CloudFormation"
    "configuration": {
        "ActionMode": "CHANGE_SET_EXECUTE", 
        "ChangeSetName": "LexBotChangeSet", 
        "StackName": "LexBotBetaStack", 
    "runOrder": 2

I went to the change set and hit the execute button so it now shows CREATION_IN_PROGRESS.

This can be due to some service bug in your template file/troposphere code. Make sure you can visualize the cf tree to check how the services communicate.