AWS CLI S3API find newest folder in path

To answer #1, you could add the --prefix path1/path2 to limit what you're querying in the bucket.

In terms of sorting by last modified, I can only think of using an SDK to combine the list_objects_v2 and head_object (boto3) to get last modified on the objects and programmatically sort


Alternatively, you could reverse sort by LastModified in jmespath and return the first item to give you the most recent object and gather the directory from there.

aws s3api list-objects-v2 \
--bucket myBucket \
--prefix path1/path2 \
--query 'reverse(sort_by(Contents,&LastModified))[0]'

If you want general purpose querying e.g. "lowest version", "highest version", "all v6.x versions" then consider maintaining a separate database with the version numbers.

If you only need to know the highest version number and you need that to be retrieved quickly (quicker than a list object call) then you could maintain that version number independently. For example, you could use a Lambda function that responds to objects being uploaded to path1/path2 where the Lambda function is responsible for storing the highest version number that it has seen into a file at s3://mybucket/version.max.