await with null propagation System.NullReferenceException

await is expecting a result. If _user is null then the result will be null, hence the NullReferenceException.

Async methods return a Task that can be awaited. If _user is null then you would not be returning a Task but null instead

await null will throw a NullReferenceException. Therefore if _user is null, then _user?.DisposeAsync() will return null, and the await will throw.

You can do:

if (_user != null)
    await _user.DisposeAsync();

(you might need a local copy of _user if it might change between reads)


await (_user?.DisposeAsync() ?? ValueTask.CompletedTask);

(Prior to .NET 5, you will need:)

await (_user?.DisposeAsync().AsTask() ?? Task.CompletedTask);