"avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00," aka Some Dude Named Avr Won't Let Me Upload My Program

This is caused by a generic connection error between your computer and the Arduino, and can result from many different specific problems.

Here are some easy things that can often fix this error:

  • Disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.
  • Press the reset button on the board.
  • Restart the Arduino IDE.
  • Make sure you select the right board in Tools ► Board ►, e.g. If you are using the Duemilanove 328, select that instead of Duemilanove 128. The board should say what version it is on the microchip.
  • Make sure you selected the right port in Tools ► Serial Port ►. One way to figure out which port it is on is by following these steps:
    1. Disconnect the USB cable.
    2. Go to Tools ► Serial Port ► and see which ports are listed (e.g. COM4 COM5 COM14).
    3. Reconnect the USB cable.
    4. Go back to Tools ► Serial Port ►, and see which port appeared that wasn't there before.
  • Make sure digital pins 0 and 1 do not have any parts connected, including any shields.

If none of those work, you will want to try to isolate the issue by replacing things: try a different computer on the same arduino, try a different arduino on the same computer, and try using a different USB cable.

If the issue is with the computer:

  • Double-check all computer-related issues in the "easy fixes" list above.
  • Reinstall the IDE.
  • Reinstall the drivers.

If the issue is with the Arduino:

  • Double-check all board-related issues in the "easy fixes" list above.
  • Make sure the microcontroller is seated correctly.
  • You may need to burn the bootloader.
  • Replace the microcontroller if you have another one handy nearby.
  • You may have bricked your Arduino. Sorry :(

Another fix:

Change Tools->Processor->Atmega 328P to Atmega 328P (Old Bootloader). Remind that the Processor option is only available when you select some specific Boards at Tools>Board.

This worked for my Arduino Nano with CH340, using Arduino IDE 1.8.5 under Linux Ubuntu 17.10. Besides, this will probably happen if you use IDE 1.8.9 or newer and you get an old or cloned Nano.

Unfortunately, it can also mean that you burned your microcontroller. Were you doing anything dangerous right before you tried to upload a new sketch? Is the microcontroller still working, with its previously loaded sketch?