Available Keyboard Shortcuts for Web Applications

If you need to know only standard browser keyboard shortcuts, they are listed here.

Separate browser's shortcuts lists:

  • Internet Explorer's shortcuts can be found here.

  • Firefox's here. (scroll down a bit)

  • Google Chrome's here.

  • Safari's official source here, but a better one is here.

  • Opera's here.

And I find this comparison table ugly, but very useful.

If there is no input focus, you should use plain keys, e.g. a, s, d, etc.

Otherwise, here is a list of open keyboard shortcuts (at time of writing) mostly derived from Chrome (OSX), with additional eliminations made from F. David McRitchie's Comparison Table. Thanks to @leonbloy and @KnowYourElements for Firefox shortcuts.

This list does not consider Alt/Option since they are less familiar and often less ergonomic for users, but most of them are open.

As a cross-browser list is effectively a logical AND of browser-specific lists, the below list actually narrows down the search quite a bit.

// (Ctrl ≅ ⌘ on OSX)
Ctrl + I
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + Shift + F
Ctrl + Shift + L
Ctrl + Shift + O
Ctrl + Shift + S
Ctrl + Shift + U
Ctrl + Shift + Y

Please comment if any of these are not available on Windows or other browsers, and I will edit the list accordingly so it is most useful.