Automatically prevent extra line spacing because of math

Here's a luatex version that could be made more robust but after the linebreaking it uses a callback to set the height and depth of boxes and (s) replace any baselineskip or lineskip glue by a fixed value. (Probably it should preserve the height of the first box and the depth of the last, left as an exercise..

enter image description here




function fixlines(h,c)
local pd=0
print('code: ' .. type(c) .. ':' .. c)
for n in node.traverse(h) do
% smash boxes
if then
% lineskip or baselineskip set to 12pt
if and (n.subtype==1 or n.subtype==2) then
n.width=786432 % 12pt in sp
return h
luatexbase.add_to_callback('post_linebreak_filter', fixlines, 'fix line spacing')


Consider the map~$\Ad_{g_0^2}$.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
And the algebra~$\widetilde{A}$.

Consider the map~\smash{$\Ad_{g_0^2}$}.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
And the algebra~\smash{$\widetilde{A}$}.


Posting a second answer as I got drawn back to this page by a comment ping and I see that there is only a luatex answer when a simpler classic tex answer is possible.

If you set \lineskiplimit=-\maxdimen then tex will preserve baseline with no limit on the amount of overlapping that would cause.

enter image description here







Consider the map~$\Ad_{g_0^2}$.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
And the algebra~$\widetilde{A}$.

Consider the map~\smash{$\Ad_{g_0^2}$}.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
And the algebra~\smash{$\widetilde{A}$}.
