Automatic type Conversion in C#

C# supports implicit conversion for types and you can use it for your custom types like the following:

 class CustomValue
     public static implicit operator int(CustomValue v)  {  return 4;  }

     public static implicit operator float(CustomValue v) {  return 4.6f;  }

 class Program
     static void Main(string[] args)
         int x = new CustomValue(); // implicit conversion 
         float xx = new CustomValue(); // implicit conversion 

And supports extension methods, but doesn't support implicit conversion as an extension method like the following:

static class MyExtension
    // Not supported
    public static implicit operator bool(this CustomValue v)
        return false;

I know that you could override an object's ToString() Method, so that everytime you call an object or pass it to a function that requires a String type it will be converted to a String.

No, you are wrong. The following code won't compile:

class MyClass
    public override string ToString()
        return "MyClass";

static void MyMethod(string s) { }

static void Main(string[] args)
    MyMethod(new MyClass());   //compile error

The compiler will not get the type of MyMethod parameter(which is string) first and try to convert the argument you passed(whose type is MyClass) to it. I guess you are probably mislead by something like Console.WriteLine. Base on the code above, Console.WriteLine(new MyClass()) prints "MyClass" to the console, it seems that the compiler knows you should pass a string to Console.WriteLine and try to convert MyClass to string. But the essential is Console.WriteLine has several overloads, one of them is for object:

//from Console.cs
public static void WriteLine(object value)
    //in this method there is something like

I believe what you're looking for is implicit conversion, which is described here:

However, adding these to object would be a very bad idea, for reasons outlined on the page I've linked to.