Automatic Text Adjustment

I interpret this question differently: you want an Input cell that does not reflow text such that manual line breaks and indentation are preserved.

This is the behavior of the built-in Code cell style, but that by default comes with baggage such as making the cell an Initialization Cell and a gray background. It also turns off all auto-spacing, meaning that an expression like a = 2 + 2 is rendered as a=2+2 unless you manually space it out. An alternative is to create your own cell style or modify the Input style using custom Style Sheets.

As an example open a new Notebook, then Format > Edit Stylesheet... and paste this at the bottom of the file:

Cell[StyleData["ManualInput", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Input"]],
 PageWidth -> Infinity,
 CellHorizontalScrolling -> True,
 PageBreakWithin -> False,
 GroupPageBreakWithin -> False,
 LineBreakWithin -> False,
 AutoIndent -> False,
 MenuPosition -> 1540

If asked to "Interpret text" click Yes.

Now close the Style Sheet and create a new Cell with Style ManualInput using the Format > Style menu. This gives you a cell you can paste code into without it reflowing, or manually indent your code. If you want to use this style in place of the default Input you could use the code above but replace StyleData["ManualInput", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Input"]] with StyleData["Input"]. If you want to always use this style you can save this Style Sheet and then point Mathematica to it as the default:

Mathematica graphics

If you mean InputAutoReplacements in text cells you can switch these off in the options inspector.

enter image description here

But this means doing it every time you want to switch it off best to add it to your stylesheet programmatically:

 StyleDefinitions -> 
  Notebook[{Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]], 
    Cell[StyleData["Text"], InputAutoReplacements -> {}]}, 
   StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]]

Or evaluating this:

 Notebook[{Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]], 
   Cell[StyleData["Text"], InputAutoReplacements -> {}]}, 
  StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"]]

... and installing this change as a new stylesheet. If that is not what you mean by "automatic adjustment of text location" can you explain/clarify/expand?

