Automatic string resources translate

I had created a tool available at sourceforge you can use it.

Have a look here:

  • Automated translation is indeed not failsafe, but I found that its a good starting point. If you use simple English, which is a good idea anyway, the translations are mostly OK. Also, human interpreters are faster correcting an auto-generated translation than doing it from scratch.

  • You can get an automated Google translation for a strings.xml from a simple Python script that sends URL requests. It builds on Khayam Gondal solution, but has some improvements regarding the URL handling, XML parsing and UTF8 encoding. I did this for my Android App and had some native speakers check it, they changed very little (as of 2018-04).

  • Higher-quality automatic translations for 7 European languages (DE, EN, FR, ES, IT, PL, NL) may be obtained from, but you have to pay to use the API. If you strip the XML tags programmatically from your strings.xml and copy-paste the result on the web page you can get very good translations with little effort (and without paying money).

You can use Google Translate but in my experience this will lead to very poor quality translations. Automatic language translation is still nowhere near perfect.

To get good translations you will need humans to translate your strings for you.

Unless you have a lot of very helpful, multi-lingual friends, humans will cost you money.

There are many different translation services available online, including one recently announced from Google. It's available in Beta in your Developer Console under "Services & Apis"

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