Automatic discretionary hyphenation in ConTeXt

Below is the ConTeXt version of Ulrikes solution which uses LuaTeX’s extension of the \hyphenation command to set \discretionary values in the argument of the command.



\NC English   \EQ              asszonnyal \NC\NR
\NC Hungarian \EQ \language[hu]asszonnyal \NC\NR


Hyphenation exception with ConTeXt

With luatex \hyphenation has an extended syntax and you can add the arguments of a \discretionary. With latex e.g. this works:



enter image description here

I don't know if this could be done in \patterns in a generic way (I thought yes, but I think I have misunderstood the docu here) to avoid to have to create long word lists. You could ask on the tex-hyphen mailing list: or on the context list.

I also don't know how to convert my latex example to context. The contextgarden is a bit vage here.