automatic decay of lambda to function pointer when passing to template function

You can change your lambda to use the unary + operator: +[]{ return 0; }

This works because unary plus can be applied to pointers, and will trigger the implicit conversion to function pointer.

Why would you unnecessarily constrain yourself to function pointers without defaulted arguments and lambdas without captures, completely ruling out the huge family of functors (e.g. std::function, any results of std::bind and everything else that has a suitable operator())?

Better just broaden your function signature:

template <typename F> 
auto call(F func) -> decltype(func()) { 
  return func(); 

int ptr() { return 0; }

int g(int i = 0) {return i;}

int main() {
    auto ret1 = call(ptr);
    auto ret2 = call((int(*)())([]{ return 0; })); //tedious, but works
    auto ret3 = call([]{ return 0; });  //ok now.

    auto ret4 = call(g); //ok now!
    int i = 42;
    auto ret5 = call([=]{return i;}); //works, too!
    auto ret6 = call(std::bind(g, i)); //and so on...