AutoMapper to apply common/global formatter on all fields?

In my case i looked around for solution where I can Trim all string props. Not for all existing Map definitions, BUT only in some of specific map definitions. My solution:

 CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
      // custom map settings...
     .ForMember(x => x.Phone, opt => opt.Ignore())
      //Trim all string props now...

        private class TrimAllStringProperty : IMappingAction<object, object>
            public void Process(object source, object destination)
                var stringProperties = destination.GetType().GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(string));
                foreach (var stringProperty in stringProperties)
                    string currentValue = (string)stringProperty.GetValue(destination, null);
                    if (currentValue != null)
                        stringProperty.SetValue(destination, currentValue.Trim(), null);

If you truly want to apply these rules to all strings, you can set up a mapping from string to string:

Mapper.CreateMap<string, string>()
    .ConvertUsing(str => (str ?? "").Trim());

This rule will be picked up when mapping from one string property to another.