AsyncTask and error handling on Android

It works fine but is it the "right" approach and is there better alternative?

I hold onto the Throwable or Exception in the AsyncTask instance itself and then do something with it in onPostExecute(), so my error handling has the option of displaying a dialog on-screen.

Create an AsyncResult object ( which you can also use in other projects)

public class AsyncTaskResult<T> {
    private T result;
    private Exception error;

    public T getResult() {
        return result;

    public Exception getError() {
        return error;

    public AsyncTaskResult(T result) {
        this.result = result;

    public AsyncTaskResult(Exception error) {
        this.error = error;

Return this object from your AsyncTask doInBackground methods and check it in the postExecute. ( You can use this class as a base class for your other async tasks )

Below is a mockup of a task that gets a JSON response from the web server.

AsyncTask<Object,String,AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>> jsonLoader = new AsyncTask<Object, String, AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>>() {

        protected AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject> doInBackground(
                Object... params) {
            try {
                // get your JSONObject from the server
                return new AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>(your json object);
            } catch ( Exception anyError) {
                return new AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject>(anyError);

        protected void onPostExecute(AsyncTaskResult<JSONObject> result) {
            if ( result.getError() != null ) {
                // error handling here
            }  else if ( isCancelled()) {
                // cancel handling here
            } else {

                JSONObject realResult = result.getResult();
                // result handling here
