Asynchronous Task Scheduler actions

I came here based on a comment discussion on SO

Honestly, I have programs in my startup menu which require admin privledges that seem to run fine without any intervention on my part.

Have you tried to put these programs in the Group Policy Logon/off Scripts? Under Computer Configuration, Windows Settings. I'm not sure if this will work for you. There may be some other solution based on Group Policies - but they go a bit over my head.

However, I came to post my comment as requested - which I've modified it based on your actual question:

Task Scheduler tasks run in sequence rather than simultaneously. If you want all tasks to run at the same time (in parallel) the easiest would be to create multiple tasks to run at the same time (or on the same event, e.g. At Logon). Use the 'Delay task' advanced option to stagger their start order if desired.

I have a batch file that starts each program. Because I want all the programs to run asyncronously AND also with a delay between each one (as the first 2 programs take around 10-15 seconds to fully start-up), I use 'ping localhost -n 15 >nul' between each program line for the delays.

Works very well and means I only have one Task in TS.

Example batch file:

@echo off
::Start prog 1
"C:\Program Files\prog1\prog1.exe"

::Need to wait 15 seconds for it to start
ping localhost -n 15 >nul

:: Start prog 2
:: Further progs & delays here if required, etc,etc...