ast.literal_eval() support for set literals in Python 2.7?

I've been using this for converting columns in a pandas DataFrame (df[col] = df[col].apply(to_set). Might be useful for anyone finding this question. It may not be as fast but it avoids using eval.

def to_set(set_str):
    Required to get around the lack of support for sets in ast.literal_eval. 
    It works by converting the string to a list and then to a set.

    set_str : str
        A string representation of a set.


        "malformed string" if the string does not start with '{' and and end 
        with '}'.

    set_str = set_str.strip()
    if not (set_str.startswith('{') and set_str.endswith('}')):
        raise ValueError("malformed string")

    olds, news = ['{', '}'] , ['[',']']
    for old, new in izip(olds, news):        
        set_str = set_str.replace(old, new)

    return set(literal_eval(set_str))