Associated types in TypeScript

There is no such feature for associated types in Typescript at the moment.

Alternatives to Associated Types

While there isn't anything in Typescript like this?...

interface Add<T> {
  type Output;

  add(other: T): Output;

There are alternatives that can address some of the problems that associated types address to varying degrees.

Inferring the generic

You can infer the type of passed to a generic like so

type ArrayItem<T> = T extends Array<infer I> ? I : never;

And you can use this type like this.

const number: ArrayItem<Array<number>> = 1;

You can play around with it here on the Typescript Playground here.

Indexing a field's field

Say you had some types like these:

type StorageStage<T> = 
  | { kind: 'initial' }
  | { kind: 'loading', promise: Promise<Array<T>> }
  | { kind: 'loaded', storage: Array<T> };

class AsyncStorage<T> {
  state: StorageStage<T> = { kind: 'initial' };

You can use the index syntax to get the types of these fields if they're public.

const storageStage: AsyncStorage<number>["state"] = 
  { kind: 'loaded', storage: [1] }; 

Again, you check this out on the Typescript Playground here.