Associate a tab in Google Chrome with its process in task manager

Chrome has it's own in-built task manager which makes it easy to identify which process belongs to which tab(s). You can access it by the hotkey Shift+Esc or by right clicking on the title bar and selecting "Task Manager".

Chrome also has a more detailed memory page which can be accessed by opening a new tab and entering chrome://system/ into the omnibox.

You have to just right click and you will get the Task Manager for Google Chrome

This is a feature given by Chrome so that you can easily see and tab and also you can close the tab and get the detail of the tab

The detail is given below in the form of figure

enter image description here

In chrome go to the Menu → Tools → Task Manager.

This will bring up a list of all the tabs, background processes, plugins, overall Chrome process, etc...

If you right click in this window you can have it display the OS process ID associated with each tab. This should you allow you to compare that to the process ID in windows task manager, top, or whatever you use to view processes.