Assigning existing values to smart-ptrs?

Shared pointers are used to manage dynamically allocated memory and more precisely, they manage the ownership for this memory.

Basically, a smart pointer is a materialization of the Ressource Acquisition Is Initialization, or RAII. I strongly suggest you take a look at this principle, as it is extremely useful for managing resource ownership (basically, each time you need to acquire a resource, and release it, be it memory, a database connection, a file handler, a mutex, etc.).

What it does is basically guarantee that while someone points at the dynamically allocated memory it manages, then this memory will be available, and as soon as the last (smart) pointer to this memory goes out of scope, then delete is called.

Then, it makes no sense to use smart pointers with variable that have automatic storage duration (i.e. that are removed when they go out of scope or when the object they're member of goes itself out of scope or is deleted (if it was new'd).

You wouldn't (usually) make a smart pointer point to an existing variable. A smart pointer manages the lifetime of a dynamically allocated object, deleting it after use; pointing it to something that wasn't dynamically allocated will cause an error if it tries to delete it.

You would usually use new or make_shared to create an object, and create or assign a smart pointer with the result of that:

std::shared_ptr<int> ptr(new int(42)); // Create a new pointer to manage an object
ptr.reset(new int(66));                // Reset to manage a different object
ptr = std::make_shared<int>(53);       // Use `make_shared` rather than `new`

make_shared is usually preferable to new, since it makes better use of memory and gives stronger exception-safety.