_.assign only if property exists in target object

You could take just the keys from the first object

var firstKeys = _.keys(options);

Then take a subset object from the second object, taking only those keys which exist on the first object :

var newDefaults = _.pick(defaults, firstKeys);

Then use that new object as your argument to _.assign :

_.assign(options, newDefaults);

Or in one line :

_.assign(options, _.pick(defaults, _.keys(options)));

Seemed to work when I tested it here : http://jsbin.com/yiyerosabi/1/edit?js,console

Here is a immutable deep version, I call it "merge that retains the shape", in TypeScript that uses lodash:

function _mergeKeepShapeArray(dest: Array<any>, source: Array<any>) {
    if (source.length != dest.length) {
        return dest;
    let ret = [];
    dest.forEach((v, i) => {
        ret[i] = _mergeKeepShape(v, source[i]);
    return ret;

function _mergeKeepShapeObject(dest: Object, source: Object) {
    let ret = {};
    Object.keys(dest).forEach((key) => {
        let sourceValue = source[key];
        if (typeof sourceValue !== "undefined") {
            ret[key] = _mergeKeepShape(dest[key], sourceValue);
        } else {
            ret[key] = dest[key];
    return ret;

function _mergeKeepShape(dest, source) {
    // else if order matters here, because _.isObject is true for arrays also
    if (_.isArray(dest)) {
        if (!_.isArray(source)) {
            return dest;
        return _mergeKeepShapeArray(dest, source);
    } else if (_.isObject(dest)) {
        if (!_.isObject(source)) {
            return dest;
        return _mergeKeepShapeObject(dest, source);
    } else {
        return source;

 * Immutable merge that retains the shape of the `existingValue`
export const mergeKeepShape = <T>(existingValue: T, extendingValue): T => {
    return _mergeKeepShape(existingValue, extendingValue);

And a simple test to see how I vision such merge should work:

let newObject = mergeKeepShape(
        a : 5,
        // b is not here
        c : 33,
        d : {
            e : 5,
            // f is not here
            g : [1,1,1],
            h : [2,2,2],
            i : [4,4,4],
        a : 123,
        b : 444,
        // c is not here
        d : {
            e : 321,
            f : 432,
            // g is not here
            h : [3,3,3],
            i : [1,2],
    a : 123,
    // b is not here
    c : 33,
    d : {
        e : 321,
        // f is not here,
        g : [1,1,1],
        h : [3,3,3],
        i : [4,4,4]

I used seamless-immutable myself in the test, but didn't see a need to put it in this answer.

I hereby place this in the Public Domain.

Another way to accomplish this is by combining _.mapObject with _.has

_.mapObject(object1, function(v, k) {
    return _.has(object2, k) ? object2[k] : v;


  1. Traverse all key/value pairs of object1 using _.mapObject
  2. Using _.has, check if property name k also exists in object2.
  3. If it does, copy the value assigned to key object2's k back to object1, else, just return the existing value of object1 (v).
