ASP.NET MVC Razor Won't Accept My Valid Markup

For reasons I don't understand, the following corrected the issue:

@if (Model.FeaturedDestinations != null && Model.FeaturedDestinations.Count() > 0)
    int column = 0;

    foreach (var d in Model.FeaturedDestinations)

        if (column > 4)
            column = 1;

        if (column == 1)
            @:<div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span3">

Note the addition of @: before several tags. I don't know why these are necessary--the Razor highlighting indicated that it recognized these were tags and not code.

Also, why did this make the error go away? The thing that caused the run-time error has not changed. Perhaps someone can fill in the blanks for me.

You need to add @: in front of the tag (as identified in the marked answer). This blog entry explains the reason for that:

From the blog:

One of the techniques that Razor uses to implicitly identify when a code block ends is to look for tag/element content to denote the beginning of a content region.


Not all content container blocks start with a tag element tag, though, and there are scenarios where the Razor parser can’t implicitly detect a content block.

Razor addresses this by enabling you to explicitly indicate the beginning of a line of content by using the @: character sequence within a code block. The @: sequence indicates that the line of content that follows should be treated as a content block: