mvc How to prevent browser from calling an action method?

Try making this Index controller action as private. A method with private access modifier should not be accessible from outside class.

And then, rahter than calling RedirectToAction from AddToCart call it as simple method like below:

private ActionResult Index()
    //some stuff here
    return View(viewModel);

public ActionResult AddToCart(int id)

    return Index();


You could use the [ChildActionOnly] attribute on your action method to make sure it's not called directly, or use the ControllerContext.IsChildAction property inside your action to determine if you want to redirect.

For example:

public ActionResult Index()
       //perform redirect here

    //some stuff here
    return View(viewModel);

If you can't make the Index action a child action, you could always check the referrer, understanding that it's not foolproof and can be spoofed. See:

How do I get the referrer URL in an ASP.NET MVC action?