ASP.NET MVC - Cascading Drop Down

You may want to read this TIP.

In this tip, Stephen Walter demonstrates three methods of creating cascading dropdown lists. First, he shows you how to alter the list of options displayed by one dropdown list when an option in another dropdown list changes. Second, he shows you how to expose the data for the dropdown lists through a controller action. Next, he shows you how to grab the data for the dropdown lists from web services.

You might want to have a look at a post I made a couple of weeks ago on exactly this

First we will need to setup the JsonResult controller action.

/// <summary></summary>  
/// Get Models
/// <param name="makeID" />  
/// <returns></returns>  
public JsonResult GetModels(string id)  
   JsonResult result = new JsonResult();       
   var filteredModels = from model in homeViewModel.Models
                        where model.MakeID.ToString() == id
                        select model;       result.Data = filteredModels.ToList();
   result.JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet;    
   return result;  

This method now gives us the ability to use the nifty $.getJSON jquery call. The signature for the call is as follows

jQuery.getJSON( url, [ data ], [ callback(data, textStatus) ] )

Given that we have setup 2 Drop Down Lists, one for Makes and the other for Models, like so.

   Html.DropDownListFor((model) => model.MakeID, new SelectList(Model.Makes, "ID", "Description"))    
   Html.DropDownListFor((model) => model.ModelID, new SelectList(Model.Models, "ID", "Description"))

we can include the following bit of jquery

//Hook onto the MakeID list's onchange event  
$("#MakeID").change(function() {   
   //build the request url   
   var url = '<!--Url.Content("~/")-->' + 'Home/GetModels';

   //fire off the request, passing it the id which is the MakeID's selected item value   
   $.getJSON(url, { id: $("#MakeID").val() }, function(data) {    
      //Clear the Model list    
      //Foreach Model in the list, add a model option from the data returned    
      $.each(data, function(index, optionData) {       
         $("ModelID").append("<option value=" + optionData.ID +">"+ optionData.Description +"</option>"  );    

Sorry for the shameless plug :(

I have created a jQuery plugin for this.