ASP.NET Core 2.2 -> 3.0 upgrade. env.IsDevelopment() not found

As Rena says IsDevelopment has been moved to IHostEnvironment Interface in the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting Namespace

I just had to add the

using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

and then I could use IsDevelopment() as before.

The new IHostEnvironment, IsDevelopment, IsProduction etc. extension methods are in the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting namespace which may need to be added to your app.


int the extension:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;

public static class HostingEnvironmentExtensions
    public static IConfigurationRoot GetAppConfiguration(this IWebHostEnvironment env)
        return AppConfigurations.Get(env.ContentRootPath, env.EnvironmentName, env.IsDevelopment());