ASP.NET 4.6 doesn't turn response in HTTP2 (azure website)


short answer should be "NO", it is not supported yet.

there is an old discussion in below link

to check what OS Azure App Service is running, you can create a site, go to your debug console from scm site (https://{your site name}, and run "ver"

from wikipedia

NT 6.2 is Windows Server 2012

enter image description here enter image description here

The ASP.NET 4.6 Runtime only supports HTTP/2 on Windows 10 using latest IIS and Windows 2016 IIS. Doesn't add that capability to prior OS/IIS combos (I've tried). I don't think Azure Websites yet supports HTTP/2, at least when I checked a few months back, probably not Windows 2016/newest IIS since Windows 2016 was still in Technical Preview last time I checked. (Also I think due to browser support you need to use SSL for HTTP/2 would make sure trying over https for your azure site...)