ARRAYSIZE C++ macro: how does it work?

The first part (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) is fairly straightforward; it's dividing the size of the entire array (assuming you pass the macro an object of array type, and not a pointer), by the size of the first element. This gives the number of elements in the array.

The second part is not so straightforward. I think the potential division-by-zero is intentional; it will lead to a compile-time error if, for whatever reason, the size of the array is not an integer multiple of one of its elements. In other words, it's some kind of compile-time sanity check.

However, I can't see under what circumstances this could occur... As people have suggested in comments below, it will catch some misuse (like using ARRAYSIZE() on a pointer). It won't catch all errors like this, though.

The division at the end seems to be an attempt at detecting a non-array argument (e.g. pointer).

It fails to detect that for, for example, char*, but would work for T* where sizeof(T) is greater than the size of a pointer.

In C++, one usually prefers the following function template:

typedef ptrdiff_t Size;

template< class Type, Size n >
Size countOf( Type (&)[n] ) { return n; }

This function template can't be instantiated with pointer argument, only array. In C++11 it can alternatively be expressed in terms of std::begin and std::end, which automagically lets it work also for standard containers with random access iterators.

Limitations: doesn't work for array of local type in C++03, and doesn't yield compile time size.

For compile time size you can instead do like

template< Size n > struct Sizer { char elems[n]; };

template< class Type, size n >
Sizer<n> countOf_( Type (&)[n] );

#define COUNT_OF( a ) sizeof( countOf_( a ).elems )

Disclaimer: all code untouched by compiler's hands.

But in general, just use the first function template, countOf.

Cheers & hth.

I wrote this version of this macro. Consider the older version:

#include <sys/stat.h>
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a)))

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  struct stat stats[32];
  std::cout << "sizeof stats = " << (sizeof stats) << "\n";
  std::cout << "sizeof *stats = " << (sizeof *stats) << "\n";
  std::cout << "ARRAYSIZE=" << ARRAYSIZE(stats) << "\n";


void foo(struct stat stats[32]) {
  std::cout << "sizeof stats = " << (sizeof stats) << "\n";
  std::cout << "sizeof *stats = " << (sizeof *stats) << "\n";
  std::cout << "ARRAYSIZE=" << ARRAYSIZE(stats) << "\n";

On a 64-bit machine, this code produces this output:

sizeof stats = 4608
sizeof *stats = 144
sizeof stats = 8
sizeof *stats = 144

What's going on? How did the ARRAYSIZE go from 32 to zero? Well, the problem is the function parameter is actually a pointer, even though it looks like an array. So inside of foo, "sizeof(stats)" is 8 bytes, and "sizeof(*stats)" is still 144.

With the new macro:

#define ARRAYSIZE(a) \
  ((sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) / \
  static_cast<size_t>(!(sizeof(a) % sizeof(*(a)))))

When sizeof(a) is not a multiple of sizeof(* (a)), the % is not zero, which the ! inverts, and then the static_cast evaluates to zero, causing a compile-time division by zero. So to the extent possible in a macro, this weird division catches the problem at compile-time.

PS: in C++17, just use std::size, see