Are there any alternatives to T4 templates and EnvDTE for cross platform 5 development?

You can try Scripty - it is Roslyn based scripting.

  • Syntax highlighting for *.csx files works out of the box;
  • VS extension exists to process scripts on save;
  • MSBuild task exists to process scripts during buld process;
  • Script allows you to traverse a hierarchical model of the project;
  • Multiple files generation from single script is supported;

yeoman seems to be a good option. There exist some generators already for scaffolding 5 apps and you can create your own generators

It is cross platform and can be used on linux/mac/windows.

Even tt templates weren't supported earlier in projects. It has been added recently (in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1).

The discussion is here:

And in the thread, Eilon said the Roslyn is the way to analyse the code and generate new ones... And he again said the ASP team has no immediate plan. So currently we have no solution from Microsoft.

But I did some search and didn't find any cross platform community tool to generate codes based on other codes. :(