Are PHP DateInterval comparable like DateTime?

Looks like there was a related bug/feature request, not sure if that ever made it in the trunk. It's not documented (that I Can find) either way - so probably not safe to use.

That said, after some testing it seems that they can be compared, but only after they've been 'evaluated' in some way (doing a var dump changes the outcome). Here's my test/result:

$int15 = new DateInterval('P15D');
$int20 = new DateInterval('P20D');

var_dump($int15 > $int20); //should be false;
var_dump($int20 > $int15); //should be true;

var_dump($int15 < $int20); //should be true;
var_dump($int20 < $int15); //should be false;


var_dump($int15 > $int20); //should be false;
var_dump($int20 > $int15); //should be true;

var_dump($int15 < $int20); //should be true;
var_dump($int20 < $int15); //should be false;

$date = new DateTime();
$diff = $date->diff(new DateTime("+10 days"));

var_dump($int15 < $diff); //should be false;
var_dump($diff < $int15); //should be true;

var_dump($int15 > $diff); //should be true;
var_dump($diff > $int15); //should be false;


var_dump($int15 < $diff); //should be false;
var_dump($diff < $int15); //should be true;

var_dump($int15 > $diff); //should be true;
var_dump($diff > $int15); //should be false;

Result (I've omitted the full dumps of the interval objects):

object(DateInterval)#1 (8) {...}
object(DateInterval)#2 (8) {...}

object(DateInterval)#5 (8) {...}

In short, comparing of DateInterval objects is not currently supported by default (as of php 5.6).

As you already know, the DateTime Objects are comparable.

A way to achieve the desired result, is to subtract or add the DateInterval from a DateTime object and compare the two to determine the difference.


$buildDate = new DateTime('2012-02-15');
$releaseDate = clone $buildDate;
$releaseDate->setDate(2012, 2, 14);
$buildDate->add(new DateInterval('P15D'));

var_dump($releaseDate < $buildDate); //bool(true)


As of the release of PHP 7.1 the results are different than with PHP 5.x, due to the added support for microseconds.


$a = new \DateTime;
$b = new \DateTime;

var_dump($a < $b);

Results (7.1+):


Results (5.x - 7.0.x, 7.1.3):


To circumvent this behavior, it is recommended that you use clone to compare the DateTime objects instead.


$a = new \DateTime;
$b = clone $a;
var_dump($a < $b);

Results (5.x - 7.x):



class ComparableDateInterval extends DateInterval
     * Leap-year safe comparison of DateInterval objects.
    public function compare(DateInterval $oDateInterval)
        $fakeStartDate1 = date_create();
        $fakeStartDate2 = clone $fakeStartDate1;
        $fakeEndDate1   = $fakeStartDate1->add($this);
        $fakeEndDate2   = $fakeStartDate2->add($oDateInterval);

        if($fakeEndDate1 < $fakeEndDate2) {
            return -1; 
        } elseif($fakeEndDate1 == $fakeEndDate2) {
            return 0;
        return 1;

$int15 = new ComparableDateInterval('P15D');
$int20 = new ComparableDateInterval('P20D');

var_dump($int15->compare($int20) == -1); // should be true;

See @fyrye's answer for the rationale (and upvote it!). My original answer did not deal with leap years safely.

Original Answer

While I upvoted this question, I downvoted the accepted answer. That's because it didn't work for me on any of my PHP installations and because fundamentally it's hinging on something broken internally.

What I did instead is migrate the aforementioned patch which never made it into trunk. FWIW I checked a recent release, PHP 5.6.5, and the patch still isn't there. The code was trivial to port. The only thing is a warning in how it makes the comparison

If $this->days has been calculated, we know it's accurate, so we'll use that. If not, we need to make an assumption about month and year length, which isn't necessarily a good idea. I've defined months as 30 days and years as 365 days completely out of thin air, since I don't have the ISO 8601 spec available to check if there's a standard assumption, but we may in fact want to error out if we don't have $this->days available.

Here's an example. Note, if you need to compare a DateInterval that was returned from some other call, you'll have to create a ComparableDateInterval from it first, if you want to use it as the source of the comparison.

$int15 = new ComparableDateInterval('P15D');
$int20 = new ComparableDateInterval('P20D');

var_dump($int15->compare($int20) == -1); // should be true;

Here's the code

 * The stock DateInterval never got the patch to compare.
 * Let's reimplement the patch in userspace.
 * See the original patch at
class ComparableDateInterval extends DateInterval
    static public function create(DateInterval $oDateInterval)
        $oDi         = new ComparableDateInterval('P1D');
        $oDi->s      = $oDateInterval->s;
        $oDi->i      = $oDateInterval->i;
        $oDi->h      = $oDateInterval->h;
        $oDi->days   = $oDateInterval->days;
        $oDi->d      = $oDateInterval->d;
        $oDi->m      = $oDateInterval->m;
        $oDi->y      = $oDateInterval->y;
        $oDi->invert = $oDateInterval->invert;

        return $oDi;

    public function compare(DateInterval $oDateInterval)
        $oMyTotalSeconds   = $this->getTotalSeconds();
        $oYourTotalSeconds = $oDateInterval->getTotalSeconds();

        if($oMyTotalSeconds < $oYourTotalSeconds)
            return -1;
        elseif($oMyTotalSeconds == $oYourTotalSeconds)
            return 0;
        return 1;

     * If $this->days has been calculated, we know it's accurate, so we'll use
     * that. If not, we need to make an assumption about month and year length,
     * which isn't necessarily a good idea. I've defined months as 30 days and
     * years as 365 days completely out of thin air, since I don't have the ISO
     * 8601 spec available to check if there's a standard assumption, but we
     * may in fact want to error out if we don't have $this->days available.
    public function getTotalSeconds()
        $iSeconds = $this->s + ($this->i * 60) + ($this->h * 3600);

        if($this->days > 0)
            $iSeconds += ($this->days * 86400);

        // @note Maybe you prefer to throw an Exception here per the note above
            $iSeconds += ($this->d * 86400) + ($this->m * 2592000) + ($this->y * 31536000);

            $iSeconds *= -1;

        return $iSeconds;

No, this is not possible right now and it never will be. There is a fundamental problem with comparing two DateInterval's.

A DateInterval is relative, while a DateTime is absolute: P1D means 1 day, so you would think that means (24*60*60) 86.400 seconds. But due to the Leap Second it isn't always the case.

That looks like a rare situation, don't forget comparing months with days is even harder:

P1M and P30D - which one is the greater one? is it P1M even though I'm currently in february? Or is it P30D even though I'm currently in August? What about PT24H30M and P1D?