Arbitrarily ordering records in a table

If I want to move record 0 to the start, I have to reorder every record

No, there's a simpler way.

update your_table
set order = -1 
where id = 0;

If I want to insert a new record in the middle, I have to reorder every record after it

That's true, unless you use a data type that supports "between" values. Float and numeric types allow you to update a value to, say, 2.5. But varchar(n) works, too. (Think 'a', 'b', 'c'; then think 'ba', 'bb', 'bc'.)

If I want to remove a record, I have to reorder every record after it

No, there's a simpler way. Just delete the row. The remaining rows will still sort correctly.

It's easy to imagine a situations like:

Two records have the same order

A unique constraint can prevent that.

There are gaps in the order between records

Gaps have no effect on how a dbms sorts values in a column.

Some people have proposed using a decimal to store order, so that you can use "2.5" to insert a record in between the records at order 2 and 3. And while that helps a little, it's arguably even messier because you can end up with weird decimals (where do you stop? 2.75? 2.875? 2.8125?)

You don't stop until you have to. The dbms has no problem sorting values that have 2, 7, or 15 places after the decimal point.

I think your real problem is that you'd like to see values in sorted order as integers. You can do that.

create table your_table (
  id int primary key, 
  title varchar(13), 
  sort_order float
insert into your_table values
(0, 'Lorem ipsum', 2.0),
(1, 'Dolor sit', 1.5),
(2, 'Amet, consect', 0.0),
(3, 'Elit fusce', 1.0);

-- This windowing function will "transform" the floats into sorted integers.
select id, title,
       row_number() over (order by sort_order)
from your_table

It is very simple. You need to have a "cardinality hole" structure:

You need to have 2 columns:

  1. pk = 32bit integer
  2. order = 64bit bigint (not double)


  1. When inserting the first new record, set order = round(max_bigint / 2).
  2. When inserting at the beginning of the table, set order = round("order of first record" / 2)
  3. When inserting at the end of table, set order = round("max_bigint - order of last record" / 2) 4) When inserting in the middle, set order = round("order of record before - order of record after" / 2)

This method has a very big cardinality. If you have constraint error or if you think what you have small cardinality you can rebuild order column (normalize).

In maximal situation with normalization (with this structure) you can have "cardinality hole" in 32 bit.

Remember not to use floating point types - order must be a precise value!

Generally, ordering is done according to some information in the records, title, ID, or whatever is appropriate for that particular situation.

If you do need a special ordering, using an integer column isn't as bad as it might seem. For example, to make room for a record to go into 5th place, you could do something like:

update table_1 set place = place + 1 where place > 5.

Hopefully you can declare the column to be unique and maybe have a procedure to make rearrangements "atomic". The details depend on the system but that's the general idea.