Applying functions to lists

Outer[f, Range[-15, 15] Pi/30, Range[200, 1500, 10]]

(Ok, that's actually 31 values for the angle, but that seems cleaner -- seems like you'd want zero to be one of the angles.)

For all three:

Outer[{f@##, g@##, h@##}&, Range[-15, 15] Pi/30, Range[200, 1500, 10]]

Here is an alternative approach using Table. I find this more readable, although the one using Outer is more compact:

list = Table[
   Through[{f, g, h}[theta, x]],
   {theta, Subdivide[-Pi/2, Pi/2, 30]},
   {x, 200, 1500, 10}

This will provide the list as triplets of $f,g,h$ values, as follows:

(* Out: {{f[-(π/2), 200], g[-(π/2), 200], h[-(π/2), 200]}, 
         {f[-(π/2), 210], g[-(π/2), 210], h[-(π/2), 210]}, 
         {f[-(π/2), 220], g[-(π/2), 220], h[-(π/2), 220]}, ... 
         {f[π/2, 1490], g[π/2, 1490], h[π/2, 1490]}, 
         {f[π/2, 1500], g[π/2, 1500], h[π/2, 1500]}} *)

If you would rather have lists of $f$ values, followed by a list of $g$ values, etc, you can Transpose the list:


(* Out: {{f[-(π/2), 200], f[-(π/2), 210], f[-(π/2), 220], ..., f[π/2, 1490], f[π/2, 1500]},
         {g[-(π/2), 200], g[-(π/2), 210], ...}