Apply a directive conditionally

If you just need to add an attribute in order to trigger CSS rules, you can use the below method: (this does not dynamically create/destroy a directive)

<button []="condition ? '' : null"></button>

Applied the same to your plunker: fork


How condition ? '' : null works as the value:

When its the empty string ('') it becomes"", when its null the attribute will not exist.

Update: plunker update: fork (version issues fixed, please note the question was originally based on angular 4)

I don't know if you can apply directives based on a condition, but a workaround would be having 2 buttons and display them based on a condition.

<button *ngIf="!condition"></button>
<button *ngIf="condition" md-raised-button></button> 

Edit: maybe this will be helpful.