Append additional html to cloned object in jquery

I think that's more easy than you imagine:

  var item_id=0;
  // function to clone your element
  var newItem=function(){
    return $('#clone')
      .clone(true, true)
      .attr({'id':'citem_'+item_id, 'class':'row cartItem_'+item_id})
  // Clone element and edit what you want

  // Clone element and append what you want
  newItem().append(' - <i>spaghetti</i>');
  // You can also find element by id
  //You can add buttons to do it
    newItem().html('Your <b>html</b> here.');
    newItem().append(' - Your <b>html</b> here.');
<button>New clone</button>
<button>New clone + append</button>
<div id="all-items">
  <div id="clone">pizza</div>
<script src=""></script>

Assuming you are trying to add html after the clone:

    .after("<div>some more content <em>after</em> the clone</div>");

The .appendTo() returns the element that was appended, so you can then manipulate it as required, eg using .after()

This approach is to explain how the .clone() works, and covers all the states you ever mentioned in the question, such as..

  1. Creating a clone of a DOM
  2. Appending additional raw HTML to a clone
  3. Manipulating the clone
  4. Manipulating the content in the clone
  5. Clone in another clone
  6. Appending another clone to a clone
  7. Appending HTML after this cloned object

$(function() {
  //! Cloning the HTML
  var $clonedContent = $('.content').clone();

  // Manipulate the cloned element
  // -- Update the existing content
  $clonedContent.find('h5').text("My content just got manipulated");

  // -- Adding raw HTML content
  $clonedContent.append("<small> It's a raw HTML </small>");

  // -- Adding property to an existing content

  //! Getting another cloned content
  var $anotherClonedContent = $('.content').clone();
  // -- Another manipulation of another cloned content
  $anotherClonedContent.find('h5').text("This is another cloned content");
  // -- Manipulate the another cloned content's content

  // -- Add another cloned content to the already manipulated & cloned content.

  //! Finally, add the clonedContent to the DOM, aaaand.. add more HTML afterwards.
  $('#main').append($clonedContent, "<em> I added this HTML after the cloned object </em>");
.make-me-day {
  color: red;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="main">
  <div class="content">
    <h5> Just a simple content </h5>

I took a close look to all answers and comments to this bounty question...

I can see that the bidder is kind of demanding, which is okay since 100 rep. points is valuable.

I think that the question contains two, in fact.

  1. How to clone
  2. How to «manipulate the HTML of the cloned object» - Wasif Iqbal on Sep 22th.

I think the question is intended to get explanations on how to manipulate the clone, not only on creation and appending to somewhere, but also afterward.

I really think my very cool example below could be a «valid answer» - Vixed on Sep 29th.
The other answers were good too, anyway... So a made a supplemental effort.

First explanation of all:
Cloning an element is done by jQuery .clone(). So have a nice reading.

jQuery chaining is nice to append some other stuff «inside» or «before/after» the clone in a concise way, as demonstrated in other answers.

But to manipulate it afterward, like in another click event handler...
This is the trick to know, which is not explained in the previous reference:

  • You have to make sure to set a unique id attribute to it, instead of the same id as the original.

Because you know that an id shall be unique!

«One ring to rule them all.
One ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.»

- A well known deamon said this while forging a curse...

Then... What more explanation could I give if it ain't clear?
Alert reader should have understood everything already.

I made a funny «clone-and-kill-it-game» to demontrate cloning and further manipulations.
For the «inspiration», I have to admit that I saw a japaneese zombie movie yesterday night...

Have fun with this code snippet:
(also on CodePen)

// Constants
var number = 1;
var revealed = false;

// The cloning function
    var cloning = $("#Human")
    .attr({"id": "Clone_number_"+number, "class":"clone"})

    $(this).val("Clone him again! It's fun!");

        $(this).val("Enought! This is now illegal.").prop("disabled",true);

    // Add them to select
    var options="<option disabled selected class='deceased'>KILL THEM!</option>";
    for (i=1;i<number;i++){
        if( $("#CloneBucket").children().eq(i-1).hasClass("dead") ){
            options += "<option value='"+i+"' class='deceased'>Clone #"+i+"</option>";
            options += "<option value='"+i+"'>Clone #"+i+"</option>";

        reveal();   // Sub function to add clones to a select element.

// Reveal clone numbers

        $(".reveal").val("Kill a clone! (While it's not illegal!)").removeClass("reveal").addClass("shoot");


// Kill button
    $(this).prop("disabled",true).val("Select one");

// Select kill target
    var thisCloneIs = parseInt($(this).val());
    var niceShot = "#Clone_number_"+thisCloneIs;
    $(niceShot+" .definition").html("I was the number"+thisCloneIs).parent().addClass("dead");

    // Redish the option

    // Bravo!
    var allDead = [];

            if( $("#cloneSelect").find("option").eq(index).hasClass("deceased") ){

        if( allDead.indexOf(false)==-1 ){

            // Reset this super gaming experience for a new.
            $(".shoot").addClass("reveal").removeClass("shoot").val("Reveal clone numbers!").prop("disabled",false).hide();
            $("#cloneIt").val("Clone again?").prop("disabled",false);
            revealed = false;
            number = 1;

function reveal(){
    $(".clone .definition").each(function(index){
        var cloneIndex = index+1;   // zero-based
        $(this).html("I'm the number "+cloneIndex);
        revealed = true;
#CloneBucket div{
    margin:0 auto;
    margin:0 auto;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="page">
    <input type="button" id="cloneIt" value="Want to clone him?"><br>
    <div id="Human">
        <img src=""><br>
        <span class="definition">I'm a real human!</span>
    <input type="button" class="reveal" value="Reveal clone numbers!">
    <select id="cloneSelect"></select>

    <div id="CloneBucket"></div>