Apollo client mutation error handling

The previous answer from @stubailo does not seem to cover all use cases. If I throw an error on my server side code the response code will be different than 200 and the error will be handled using .catch() and not using .then().

Link to the issue on GitHub.

The best is probably to handle the error on both .then() and .catch().

const { deleteProduct } = this.props;
const { selectedProductId } = this.state;

  .then(res => {
      if (!res.errors) {
          // handle success
      } else {
          // handle errors with status code 200
  .catch(e => {
      // GraphQL errors can be extracted here
      if (e.graphQLErrors) {
          // reduce to get message
             (res, err) => [...res, error.message],

Note: This answer (and arguably the whole question) is now outdated, since mutation errors show up in catch in more recent versions of Apollo Client.

GraphQL errors from the mutation currently show up in the errors field on the response inside then. I think there's definitely a claim to be made that they should show up in the catch instead, but here's a snippet of a mutation from GitHunt:

// The container
const withData = graphql(SUBMIT_REPOSITORY_MUTATION, {
  props: ({ mutate }) => ({
    submit: repoFullName => mutate({
      variables: { repoFullName },

// Where it's called
return submit(repoFullName).then((res) => {
  if (!res.errors) {
  } else {
    this.setState({ errors: res.errors });

Using graphql tag notation, yo have access to errors:

<Mutation mutation={UPDATE_TODO} key={id}>
        {(updateTodo, { loading, error }) => (
              onSubmit={e => {
                updateTodo({ variables: { id, type: input.value } });

                input.value = "";
                ref={node => {
                  input = node;
              <button type="submit">Update Todo</button>
            {loading && <p>Loading...</p>}
            {error && <p>Error :( Please try again</p>}
