Apollo client: Making optimistic updates while creation is still in progress

If you have access to the server you can implement upsert operations, and you can reduce all queries to the such one:

mutation {
    where: {
      key: $itemKey # Some unique key generated on client
    update: {
      listId: $listId
      text: $itemText
    create: {
      key: $itemKey
      listId: $listId
      text: $itemText
  ) {

So you will have a sequence of identical mutations differing only in variables. An optimistic response accordingly, can be configured to this one mutation. On the server you need to check if an item with such a key already exists and create or update an item respectively.

Additionally you might want to use apollo-link-debounce to reduce number of requests when user is typing.

I think the easiest way to achieve your desired effect is to actually drop optimistic updates in favor of managing the component state yourself. I don't have the bandwidth at the moment to write out a complete example, but your basic component structure would look like this:

  {(client) => (
    <Mutation mutation={CREATE_MUTATION}>
      {(create) => (
        <Mutation mutation={EDIT_MUTATION}>
          {(edit) => (
            <Form />

Let's assume we're dealing with just a single field -- name. Your Form component would start out with an initial state of

{ name: '', created: null, updates: null }

Upon submitting, the Form would do something like:

onCreate () {
  this.props.create({ variables: { name: this.state.name } })
    .then(({ data, errors }) => {
      // handle errors whichever way
      this.setState({ created: data.created })
      if (this.state.updates) {
        const id = data.created.id
        this.props.update({ variables: { ...this.state.updates, id } })

Then the edit logic looks something like this:

onEdit () {
  if (this.state.created) {
    const id = this.state.created.id
    this.props.update({ variables: { name: this.state.name, id } })
      .then(({ data, errors }) => {
        this.setState({ updates: null })
  } else {
    this.setState({ updates: { name: this.state.name } })

In effect, your edit mutation is either triggered immediately when the user submits (since we got a response back from our create mutation already)... or the changes the user makes are persisted and then sent once the create mutation completes.

That's a very rough example, but should give you some idea on how to handle this sort of scenario. The biggest downside is that there's potential for your component state to get out of sync with the cache -- you'll need to ensure you handle errors properly to prevent that.

That also means if you want to use this form for just edits, you'll need to fetch the data out of the cache and then use that to populate your initial state (i.e. this.state.created in the example above). You can use the Query component for that, just make sure you don't render the actual Form component until you have the data prop provided by the Query component.