Apache httpd: How can I Deny from all, Allow from subnet, but Deny from IP within that subnet?

I haven't tested, but I think you are almost there.

<Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Order Allow,Deny
    Deny from
    Allow from

Deny from all is not needed. In fact it will screw up because everything will match all, and thus denied (and I think Apache is trying to be smart and do something stupid). I have always found Apache's Order, Allow and Deny directives confusing, so always visualize things in a table (taken from the docs):

Match      | Allow,Deny result   | Deny,Allow result
Allow only | Allowed             | Allowed
Deny only  | Denied              | Denied
No match   | Default: Denied     | Default: Allowed
Match both | Final match: Denied | Final match: Allowed

With the above settings:

  • Requests from get "Match both" and thus denied.
  • Requests from get "Allow only" and thus allowed.
  • Requests from get "No match" and thus denied.