Antlr4 - Is there a simple example of using the ParseTree Walker?

For each of your parser rules in your grammar the generated parser will have a corresponding method with that name. Calling that method will start parsing at that rule.

Therefore if your "root-rule" is named start then you'd start parsing via gramParser.start() which returns a ParseTree. This tree can then be fed into the ParseTreeWalker alongside with the listener you want to be using.

All in all it could look something like this (EDITED BY OP):

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.*;
import static org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams.fromFileName;

public class launch{
public static void main(String[] args) {

    CharStream cs = fromFileName("program.txt");  //load the file
    gramLexer lexer = new gramLexer(cs);  //instantiate a lexer
    CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); //scan stream for tokens
    gramParser parser = new gramParser(tokens);  //parse the tokens

    ParseTree tree = parser.start(); // parse the content and get the tree
    Mylistener listener = new Mylistener();

    ParseTreeWalker walker = new ParseTreeWalker();

************ NEW FILE ************

public class Mylistener extends gramBaseListener {
        @Override public void enterEveryRule(ParserRuleContext ctx) {  //see gramBaseListener for allowed functions
            System.out.println("rule entered: " + ctx.getText());      //code that executes per rule

Of course you have to replace <listener> with your implementation of BaseListener

And just one small sidenode: In Java it is convention to start classnames with capital letters and I'd advise you to stick to that in order for making the code more readable for other people.

This example should work with ANTLR 4.8.

Below the example you can find references to setup your Java env, API and Listeners.

public class Launch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        MyprogramLexer programLexer = null;
        try {
            File file = new File("/program.txt");
            inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
            programLexer = new MyprogramLexer(CharStreams.fromStream(inputStream)); // read your program input and create lexer instance
        } finally {
            if (inputStream != null) {
        /* assuming a basic grammar:
            myProgramStart: TOKEN1 otherRule TOKEN2 ';' | TOKENX finalRule ';'
        CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(programLexer); // get tokens
        MyParser parser = new MyParser(tokens);
        MyProgramListener listener = new MyProgramListener();   // your custom extension from BaseListener
        parser.myProgramStart().enterRule(listener);    // myProgramStart is your grammar rule to parse

        // what we had built?
        MyProgram myProgramInstance = listener.getMyProgram();    // in your listener implementation populate a MyProgram instance




