Antichronological ordering of references in moderncv using apacite

I haven't found an automated way to solve this problem, but to manually order an apacite reference list \APACSortNoop is a possibility. To sort the entries add {{\APACSortNoop{x}} in front of the name of your first authors and replace x with numbers from 1 to n. The references will be sorted in ascending order, as they appear in this example:

    Author = {{\APACSortNoop{1}}Doe, John and Jane, Doe},
    Title = {Title},
    Year = {2012},
    Journal = {Journal},
    Pages = {1--2},
    Volume = {1}

    Author = {{\APACSortNoop{2}}Doe, John and Bar, Foo},
    Title = {Title},
    Year = {2009},
    Journal = {Journal},
    Pages = {1--2},
    Volume = {1}

I have also found a solution to the problem, that the reference lists spans across both columns. This is all pretty dirty though. I'm sure there must be a better way to handle this.

Embedding each reference list in a minipage, manually setting subections and paddings like this will work for the standard description column width on DIN A4 paper:



\vspace{0.2cm}\subsection{Conference contributions}

Just for those of us still coming across this question: moderncv seems to be compatible with biblatex-apa nowadays. This makes it possible to sort bibliographies in descending order (sorting=ydnt) without the hacks proposed by @crash.

Moreover, instead of using multibib for multiple bibliographies (e.g., "Papers", "Books"), I prefer the so-called subdivided bibliographies (§3.11.4 of the biblatex manual). Very straightforward. Here comes my MWE:


    Author = {Doe, John and Roe, Jane},
    Journal = {Fancy Journal},
    Pages = {123--145},
    Title = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit},
    Volume = {2},
    Year = {2012}}
    Author = {Doe, John and Roe, Jane},
    Journal = {Fancy Journal},
    Pages = {12--34},
    Title = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.},
    Volume = {1},
    Year = {2014}}
    Author = {Doe, John and Roe, Jane},
    Title = {Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.},
    publisher = {Company},
    location = {Somewhere},
    Year = {2013}}

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