Ant build on InteliiJ Community Edition no compiler errors shown

When using plain (not tree) output for ant IntelliJ uses file (line,col): error msg format for javac errors. But error view parser only understands file:line: error msg format.

You could tweak it in PlainTextView class from antIntegration.jar

I just changed addJavacMessage method to following and recompiled the class ``` java

 public void addJavacMessage(AntMessage message, String url) {
    final VirtualFile file = message.getFile();
    if (message.getLine() > 0) {
      final StringBuilder builder = StringBuilderSpinAllocator.alloc();
      try {

        if (file != null) {
          ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              String presentableUrl = file.getPresentableUrl();
//              builder.append(' ');
        else if (url != null) {
//          builder.append(' ');
//        builder.append('(');
        builder.append(' ');
//        builder.append(message.getColumn());
//        builder.append(")");
        print(builder.toString(), ProcessOutputTypes.STDOUT);
      finally {
    print(message.getText(), ProcessOutputTypes.STDOUT);

  public void addException(AntMessage exception, boolean showFullTrace) {
    String text = exception.getText();
    showFullTrace = false;
    if (!showFullTrace) {
      int index = text.indexOf("\r\n");
      if (index != -1) {
        text = text.substring(0, index) + "\n";
    print(text, ProcessOutputTypes.STDOUT);


And now I have clickable links in 'plain text' output mode of ant tool. Note, that 'tree mode' shows line & columns correctly - I used IDEA 13 CE.

It would be nice if somebody to create pull request for Intellij regarding this issue.

IDEA just prints Ant's output. Try switching the output from the tree view to the plain text view using the corresponding button on the left of the messages panel:

Plain Text View

If the output contains errors, you should be able to see them there.

Also it's much faster and easier to use IDEA provided incremental compilation (Build | Make).