Ansible change default value according to a condition

Solution 1:

I suggest this solution:

 - set_fact:
     composer_opts: ""
   when: "{{env}}" == 'dev'

It will set composer_opts variable to string "" when variable env is equal to 'dev'.

Here is example of playbook based on updated question:

$ cat test.yml

- hosts:
  connection: local
  - set_fact:
      composer_opts: "{% if env == 'prod' %} '--no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction' {% else %} '' {% endif %}"

  - debug: var=composer_opts

Sample output:

sudo ansible-playbook test.yml -e env=dev

PLAY [] ************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: []

TASK: [set_fact ] ************************************************************* 
ok: []

TASK: [debug var="{{composer_opts}}"] ***************************************** 
ok: [] => {
    "var": {
        " '' ": " '' "

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0   

sudo ansible-playbook test.yml -e env=prod

PLAY [] ************************************************************** 

GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** 
ok: []

TASK: [set_fact ] ************************************************************* 
ok: []

TASK: [debug var="{{composer_opts}}"] ***************************************** 
ok: [] => {
    "var": {
        " '--no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction' ": " '--no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction' "

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0   

Solution 2:

While @Navern's answer does work, I found the embedded Jinja2 notation ("{% if env == 'prod' %} ...) to be extremely susceptible to notation and thus rather fragile. For example, when wrapping the line in question for better readability such as in this untested code:

composer_opts: >
               "{% if env == 'prod' %}
                   '--no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction'
                {% else %}
                {% endif %}"

I ended up with unexpected results, such as additional whitespace or \n in composer_opts.

The approach I use is much dumber, but also more stable:

- name: set composer_opts for dev env
     composer_opts: ''
     when: "{{env}}" == 'dev'

- name: set composer_opts for prod env
     composer_opts: '--no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction'
     when: "{{env}}" == 'prod'

I also found this blog post to be useful which essentially follows the same approach.

Solution 3:

Ansible set_fact based on condition in one liner :

- name: "set composer_opts based on environment"
     composer_opts:  "{{ '--no-dev --optimize-autoloader --no-interaction' if (env == 'prod') else '' }}"

