Anonymous type collections?

If you're happy with an array, you can use an array initializer:

var items = new[] {
    new { Foo = "def" },
    new { Foo = "ghi" },
    new { Foo = "jkl" }

You can then call ToList() if you want to get a List<T> out. Marc's solution will be slightly more efficient than calling ToList() due to not needing the extra copying, but I think I'd probably use the "array and then ToList()" solution in most cases as there's less clutter. Of course, if performance is crucial for that bit of code, it changes things.

EDIT: As you're iterating over a collection, just use Select:

var anonymousItems = items.Select (item => new { Foo=item.Foo, 
                                                 Bar=item.Other })

For a very different answer... LINQ?

In my case, I am iterating over a collection - for each item in the collection I would like to collect related objects in an anonymous type (acting as a tuple). I need these anonymous types to be put in a collection and then sort them for further work.

That sounds like:

var list = (from item in collection
          from related in item.Relationship
          order by ...something...
          select new {item,related}).ToList()

One option is to use an example item to create the collection via generic type inference, for example:

    static List<T> CreateEmptyList<T>(T template) {
        return new List<T>();
    void Foo() {
        var list = CreateEmptyList(new { Foo = "abc" });
        list.Add(new { Foo = "def" });

You can also do this without creating an instance (but using an anonymous method that never gets caller), but I don't think it saves anything really... we might not create an instance of the object, but we do create an instance of a delegate, so not much of a saving...

You also mention sorting the data; see the reply here for a way to use List<T>.Sort with a lambda, and hence with anonymous types - i.e.
