Annoying flickering in 16.04 LTS - Chrome

After some research, I found a solution to this problem. It is working for me now.

I disabled hardware acceleration for my browser from

Settings > Advance Settings > System > uncheck the hardware acceleration

Hope this works on your machine.

I am using google-chrome-stable Version 50.0.2661.94 (64-bit) on Ubuntu 16.04


If you encounter scrolling lag and screen tear. Do as suggested by Amos Folarin in the comment below:

Go to: chrome://flags/#smooth-scrolling and Enable it.

I had same problem, setting GPU rasterization to 'Force-enabled for all layers' seems to be finally working:

Chrome Flags: GPU rasterization

I fixed it as follows:

sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-intel

then reboot. This is because Intel drivers moved to modesetting. For more info see this comment in the Chromium bug thread.