Annoying display truncation of numerical results

If this is something you want in general, try:

SetOptions[$FrontEnd, PrintPrecision-> 10]

and if you just want it for a specific notebook, then do:

SetOptions[InputNotebook[], PrintPrecision-> 10]


You can control the number of digits displayed using the PrintPrecision option.

You have a number of options for its use. You can set it Globally or for the specific Notebook using the Options Inspector. You can also use it directly with Style:

Style[123.189094, PrintPrecision -> 10]

You can set it temporarily for one session like this:

SetOptions[$FrontEndSession, PrintPrecision -> 10]

Finally you can set it using Style Sheets (select cell type Output).

Arbitrary precision arithmetic

If you use arbitrary precision arithmetic Mathematica automatically displays all digits. If you are concerned with the small end of numbers you should probably be using arbitrary precision anyway. Please see the second half of this answer for more.


Maybe this :

NumberForm[#, 10] &@ {123.189094`, 123.189263`}
{123.189094, 123.189263 }



Consider also this utility of NumberForm[ x, {m, k}] giving m real digits of x with k digits to the right of the decimal point, e.g.

NumberForm[#, {10, 7}] &@ { 197.9898987322333, 201.73205080756887 }
{ 197.9898987, 201.7320508 }