Annotating a binary relation

$a \hat{\mathrel{\mathcal R}} b$

$a \mathrel{\hat{\mathcal R}} b$

$a \mathrel{\hat{\mathrel{\mathcal R}}} b$ Use this one

enter image description here

The hat is placed over the calligraphic R in an “optimal” way, according to the font designer's wishes.

If you want to have a different placement, more central, just add an empty subformula, so the hat is placed over the whole thing and not the single letter.






enter image description here

When TeX has to place a math accent, there are two cases.

First case: a single letter/symbol. The accent is placed over the “visual center” of the letter/symbol taking into account the slant of the font from which the letter/symbol is taken. This is how \hat{A} moves the hat right so it sits above the vertex of A.

Second case: a subformula, that is, math mode material enclosed in braces, or a \left-\right pair, or the argument to the accent comamand itself if it doesn't turn out to be a single math symbol; also something like \mathrel{<symbol>} is not considered to be a single math symbol. The accent is placed in the middle of the subformula.

With \hat{\mathcal{R}{}} we’re in the second case, because the argument to \hat isn’t a single letter/symbol, but also contains an empty subformula.

Thus \mathrel{\hat{\mathrel{\mathcal{R}}}} works, but is not really the best solution.