AngularJS how do I watch $viewValue instead of ngModel?

The docs have the answer:

You want to use $viewChangeListeners instead of $watch like so (you might need to push to $formatters instead depending on how debounce works):

  var val = parseInt(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue);
  if(!isNaN(val)) {

Though I haven't played with the debounce option yet so I don't know if this will fix your problem, but this is how you watch the viewValue.

An alternative solution of watching the $viewValue is to allow invalid ng-model updates, then you can watch the model instead.

ng-model-options="{allowInvalid: true}"


It's not a direct answer to this question, but I think it will help in many of the usecases for which people are visiting this topic.

This will watch the $viewValue of a ngModelController if the tag has the ng-model and match attribute. It is also possible to watch other ngModelController $viewValues, like in a form with many input directives.

    (function () {
        'use strict';

            .directive('match', MatchValidator);

        function MatchValidator() {
            return {
                require: 'ngModel',
                link: LinkFunction

            function LinkFunction(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
                        return ngModel.$viewValue;
                    function(newValue, oldValue){
                        // do something