angularjs form reset error

Use the following to reset dirty state


Use the following to reset to clear validation


There's API documentation on the FormController.

This allowed me to find that there's other methods to call such as:

$setUntouched() - which is a function I was using if the user has focused on the field, and then left the field, this clears this feature when you run it.

I created a simple form reset function which you can use too.

// Set the following in your controller for the form/page.
// Allows you to set default form values on fields.
$scope.defaultFormData = { username : 'Bob'}
// Save a copy of the defaultFormData
$scope.resetCopy = angular.copy($scope.defaultFormData);
// Create a method to reset the form back to it's original state.
$scope.resetForm =  function() {
    // Set the field values back to the original default values
    $scope.defaultFormData = angular.copy($scope.resetCopy);
    // in my case I had to call $apply to refresh the page, you may also need this.

In your form, this simple setup will allow you to reset the form

<form ng-submit="doSomethingOnSubmit()" name="myForm">
    <input type="text" name="username" ng-model="username" ng-required />
    <input type="password" name="password" ng-model="password" ng-required />
    <button type="button" ng-click="resetForm()">Reset</button>
    <button type="submit">Log In</button>

var original = $scope.user;

when resetting :

$scope.user= angular.copy(original);


type='reset' in  <button>

here is the Angular Documentation for form controllers.

I went with...

$scope.form.$error = {};

Feels hacky... but a lot about angular does.

Besides... this was the only thing that worked.